Sabtu, 24 April 2021



Dexus Art was created to promote digital transformation of the art market and artists' practices. Our art curators will discover and carefully select promising artists, their works will be obtained, certified and stored as NFT artworks in the Dexus Art vault.

Dexus Art will work with emerging and established artists to obtain art works or even collections and produce certified NFT artworks. Profits from the blockchain exhibitions, NFT artwork sales any other Dexus Art activity will be stored in the vault, further supporting it's liquidity and value.










Dexus Art upcoming Uniswap listing

DEXUS, the NFT art vault, created by a dedicated team of artists to promote digital transformation of the art market and artists’ practices, will be providing initial liquidity at Uniswap on 21st of April 2021, at 13:30 (UTC). Further announcements will be made closer to the date.

RARI ownership NFT token is now a reward that will be given to the selected NFT artists on Rarible marketplace. Few selected artists have already received such award, for example KIWIE1001HōL PartsLIRONA and others.


DAVT Staking Reward Pool

DEXUS staking allows users to earn DAVT tokens while providing liquidity for ETH-DAVT pair. The rewards are split evenly among all participants at any given time. Staking is completely fluid. There are no lockups on staked tokens.

Users are staking ETH/DAVT Uniswap v2 LP tokens to earn the DAVT rewards.

DAVT Staking Reward Pool launch date TBA


Dexus Art Vault Token

Dexus Art Vault Token (DAVT) is launched as ERC-20 token on Ethereum blockchain with the total supply of 10 million. DAVT is a governance token and carries the right to vote for:

Sell/buy specific NFT artworks

Add/remove incentive contracts for DAVT

Set the DAVT pool reward rate

Change DAVT allocations

Upgrade other contracts throughout the system



Dexus Art wants DAVT to have a balanced distribution between Team, Community and Investors while prioritizing the Community


DAVT distribution:

50% DAVT vault treasury

10% Initial DEX Offering

20% Dexus Core Team

10% Staking Rewards

5% DEXUS Core Team investors

5% Grants


April 21st Timeline

13:00 UTC — Telegram chat muted.

13:30 UTC — Uniswap listing and IDO start.

14:00 UTC — Telegram chat unmuted.



Listing price: $0.25

The total number of tokens for sale: 1,000,000 DAVT

IDO platform: Uniswap

Official DAVT token contract address: 0x90339e12a79c0d18c2d825357c6320422b9c8cc1

Official Website:


Key Information

Official website:

DAVT Token Contract:

DAVT Token Supply: 10 million tokens

Uniswap Pool:











About the Author:

Bitcointalk Username: AMSTEL YALLE

Telegram Username:

Bitcointalk url:;u=2550284

ERC20 address: 0x5684e5eCc07C92e119BaCD5e1C34D699abF5bd5F

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