iFarming Finance (IFY)

Presenting iFarming Finance, That Connects With The LEADING DEFI Protocols
Yield cultivating turned into a moving venture item after the long account and Uniswap outflank. The facts demonstrate that yield procuring could roll out enormous improvements in the crypto circle. It might require a few changes in keen agreement reviews and how they seem to mass individuals. Only one out of every odd decentralized item going to beat, however the undertaking who has an accomplished colleague and a unique vision to make natural automated revenue for speculators will have a decent effect. It will likewise require more than one working item like the task won't support except if it has other use cases other than yield procuring. There we go, presenting iFarming Finance and its erc20 token IFY that will have numerous working items for DeFi just as pay the best yield on speculation by yield cultivating.
What is iFarming Finance
The iFarming Finance (IFY) is building up an exceptional stage that permits anybody to furnish liquidity and to be compensated with IFY tokens, simultaneously keeping up both symbolic value solidness and secure and rearranged DeFi for everybody.
Yield ranchers just need to store their crypto utilizing our shrewd agreement, at that point iFarming handles all that it takes to get the best return procuring on the lookout. Liquidity suppliers procure standard awards notwithstanding reward IFY reward.
IFY Finance is a robotized DeFi speculation administration stage that will permit clients to procure yields over an assortment of DeFi items in a danger/reward streamlined way. It plans to carry more clients to the DeFi scene by making yield cultivating effectively open to clients. Yield cultivating today gives clients a high boundary to-passage, cost, and danger.
IFY Finance explains these problem areas by giving clients a minimal effort frictionless approach to pool their liquidity and apportion it over an arrangement of methodologies. By pooling liquidity, the stage courses the assets in a single exchange to the biggest and most noteworthy yield cultivating methodology, in this manner sparing gas expenses for clients.
iFarming Features
IFY is essential for the bigger pattern of decentralized account: an industry that is centered around building decentralized budgetary instruments on top of existing brilliant agreement empowered digital forms of money. These instruments incorporate digital currency loaning, protection, decentralized trades, and other use cases.
Yield Farming
Yield ranchers just need to store their crypto utilizing our shrewd agreement, at that point iFarming handles all that it takes to get the best return acquiring on the lookout.
NFT Farming&Trading
Simple farming by holding or exchanging restricted release Non-Fungible tokens (NFT) gave by iFarming and air-dropped to the network. Clients can get these NFT in closeout or airdrop. We use OpenSea API SDK.
IFY ecosystem system is completely network claimed. Clients can propose and decide on any framework boundary. Clients are boosted with the IFY administration token to stay up with the latest with the most recent DeFi advancements.
Liquidity Mining
Liquidity providers earn standard rewards in addition to bonus IFY reward.
Profit Management
Crypto investment includes high danger, in any case, we are consistently constructing a key structure to chop down these dangers and changing speculation liquidity circulation to keep clients acquiring the best return.
Buy Back & Burn
Token value strength is a significant worry in most DeFi ventures, in this way, we organize buyback and consume IFY to make the cost exceptionally steady, secure, and straightforward for day to speculators.
Token Sale
A total of 100,000 IFY token will be sold. The private deal was effectively finished with all designated token (20,000 IFY) sold out. In presale 80,000 IFY is accessible in 3 unique stages. Any unsold symbolic will be scorched. As of now, presale stage 1 is open, you can get it here.

The iFarming Finance Token Sale.
Name: iFarming
Ticker: IFY
Decimal: 18
Max Supply: 500,000
Private-Sale: 20,000
Pree - Sale: 80,000
Unsold Token: Be Burned
Phase 1 Price: 0.004 ETH
Phase 2 Price: 0.00666 ETH
Phase 3 Price: 0.01 ETH
Listing Price: 0.01333 ETH
Upcoming Events
November 2020
Whitepaper Release
First Marketing Campaign
NFT Auction
December 2020
Liquidity pool
Yield Farming by depositing assets
Decentralized exchange listing (Uniswap, 1Inch, Balancer etc)
Centralized exchange listing (Gate.io, MXC, LaToken, Hotbit, Crex24 etc)
Token tracker listing (CMC. Coingecko etc)
NFT Farming
January 2021
New strategic partnership to improve iFarming service
Seeking solutions for cross-chain integration
First governance voting enabled
Buy back & burn
February 2021
New exchange
Licence Register as Finance Farming Platform
March 2021
Community decides
Cheng Lai
Founder, Solidity Engineer
Amelia Briggs
Blockchain Engineer (Remote)
Vladislav Belousov
Full stack developer (Remote)
Jane Doe
Marketing Director
Charles T. Ferguson
Chief Strategist
For more information
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