Selasa, 30 Juni 2020


PayPDM Coin [PYD] is a high privacy prioritized crypto reserve with core implementations of blockchain
as financial system with transverse crypto adopters towards a decentralized, non-taxable and viable
medium. PayPDM oversees a blockchain platform for private crypto lending and majorly crypto finance l
in optimization of funding of blockchain based projects in the open and generation of revenues for her
and its community.
PayPDM Coin is a digital currency issued by blockchain-based financial investing services under the
auspices of PayPDM . PayPDM has brought about trust, transparency, automation and efficiency
towards crypto-likeness for individuals and firms. PayPDM Network is made up a big team of digital
experienced individuals, affiliates, developers, financial experts and others. PayPDM Coin is part of
PayPDM Network which is a decentralized system on crypto investing.

Our Solutions
PayPDM implemented a decentralized financial tradings which is one of the finest &
outstanding financial trading ever. PayPDM FinTrade is a decentralized blockchain-based
financial trading services .

One of our tag lines are ''Hodl, manage and diversify crypto assets''. As this implies, PayPDM has
a well experienced and diverse team who makes the long run for a viable crypto portfolio with
non subjected to volatility through major risk controls.

Blockchain-based startups find it difficult to raise funds at most times due to the high non
expectancy rate. PayPDM Networks finds suitable startup which has a growth potential and
finances through which generates revenues to both PayPDM & its community.

With goals and plans, Cryptolending under PayPDM Network is undergoing development to
being made available to the community
The first beta users are only available to PayPDM FinTrade users who has passed requirements.

PayPDM isnt bent on making revenues alone. PayPDM is a community based services which,
(as we earn, the community earns). PayPDM revenues are majorly for PYD holders, PYD
traders and FinTrade users.

PayPDM has been operational since 2017. Crossing the $2.5M tradings point at 18 months of
operation. PayPDM Networks hosts various of projects which includes FinTrade, CryptoLend
and PDM Gamings Networks

Reliability, Protection and Insurance
All cryptocurrencies within PayPDM are stored in cold storage which is also protected from malicious
and compromise. Users Funds are insured and protected as well as User data/information.

Competencies & Compliances
Having being competent for over 2 years and still counting, We offer our community with a low risk and
protected investing choice. Having compliant with laws & regulations in Community members countries.

User Flexibilities
PayPDM gives its community the choice to make use of any of its operational service easily and possibly
concurrently. Being part of a great firm where users opinion are prioritized would be the only and the
right point.

Community Earning bonus
Every member within the PayPDM Community earns a good revenue with scale of preference from
Priority token holders to unit holders, PayPDM distributes part of its profits in an operational quarter
towards the community members.
Other bonus which includes affiliates network, referral bonus, purchase bonus.


Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020

Recycle for Life

Recycle for Life

Why Blockchain?
Blockchain can be a confusing concept to understand. Blockchain technology is a relatively
new concept, but is a growing piece of foundational technology just like the internet or cloud
computing. Similar data structures have existed long before the emergence of the popular
cryptocurrency bitcoin was conceived. However, the principal theories and forms of blockchain architecture in use today were first outlined in the first bitcoin whitepaper published
by satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Blockchain can be defined as a continuously growing list of
digital records in packages called blocks linked and secured using cryptography. These digitally recorded blocks of data are stored in a linear chain where each block contains several
chains. Each block in the chain contains data which is cryptographically hashed and time
stamped. The blockchain technology is enhanced by the distributed ledger technology. A
distributed ledger technology is a consensus of replicated shared and synchronized digital
data geographically spread across multiple sites, countries and institutions. In simple terms,
blockchain is a distributed ledger. Which means that a ledger is spread across the network
among all peers in the network where each peer holds a copy of the complete ledger. Users
of this distributed ledger technology significantly benefit from the efficiencies and economics by creating a more robust environment for real time and secure data sharing. There are
many other distributed ledgers apart from the bitcoin blockchain. These include, the ethereum network, cardano, waves, EOS and many others that have sprouted all over in the last few
years. Blockchain technology is being used and applied in many aspects of human lives to
solve various problems. Some of the key attributes of blockchain technology which proves
that Blockchain is becoming a better system of solving some issues rather than traditional
systems of ledger information keeping.

Recycle for Life is a California Department of Toxic Substance Control Registered Universal
E-waste Handler. RFL is involved in the transportation of all e-waste to environmental protection
Agency certified Facilities. Recycle for Life started operations as a company in January of 2010.
It was created as a nationwide ink and toner cartridge recycling company. Recycle for life has
collected over 500,000 ink and toner cartridges in the first year of its existence. In march 2012,
Recycle for Life transitioned to the business of commercial e-waste logistics as an e-waste handler in Southern California.

Last year, Recycle for Life delivered over 1 million pounds of e-waste picked up from over 8,800
businesses since 2010 and have 3,450 active clients. Keith Harris, the founder of Recycle for Life
has been involved in the recycling and reuse of electronic accessories since 1996. Recycle for Life
wants to leverage on blockchain technology to create a system based on the blockchain network that will reward subscribers to their newsletter and to the Recycling Awareness Association.
These tokens will also be awarded to recycling plants, recycling processors, users with recycling
receipts and users who forward to at least 5 emails to others information regarding our e-waste
recycling services.

Our mission as RFL is securing a green and safe environment through the provision of e-waste
management services. We aim to create massive e-waste recycling awareness across the country
through a blockchain based token reward system.

Background and Problem
When China banned 24 kinds of solid waste in September 2018, countries such as the USA,
United Kingdom, Australia and Japan realized they had a huge problem. Until last year, China
accepted 70 percent of the World’s electronic waste. Electronic waste included the discarded
computers, cellphones and printers, televisions, microwaves, smoke alarms and other electronic
equipment and parts. After china stopped accepting this e-waste out of concern for its environment, Europe and North America began

Ethereum network
Recycle for Life tokens will be supported by the Ethereum Blockchain. The ethereum network will facilitate payment transactions on the RFL blockchain. As discussed earlier in
this whitepaper Ethereum is a platform for launching decentralized applications with the
Ethereum virtual machine as its core. The platform has the ability to execute and deploy
smart contracts and store data. The EVM also deploys consensus for the Blockchain.
Ethereum tokens are the digital currency that represents real transactions that result of
from transactions and mining within the ethereum network. The RFL Token also follows
the ERC223 standard as well, such that it can be easily implemented into other services
within the RFL ecosystem. In essence, ERC223 is a set of rules for the tokens to follow.
Ethereum takes a different approach when compared to other blockchains and functions
as a platform through which people can use tokens to create and run decentralized applications and create smart contracts. Smart contracts are basically a contract, but instead
of being physically written or in a digital format it is in a code. The creator of the code then
uploads it on to the blockchain. The progress of the contract is tracked and stored on a
public ledger which makes it tamper proof

Recycle For life Ecosystem and Tokens
Basically, our ecosystems are an incentive-based system whereby we seek to distribute
tokens for colleges that subscribe to our newsletter, users who forward to at least 5 emails
where each would get between 20 to 100 ERC 20 tokens. Our newsletter will periodically
educate and inform our subscribers on E-waste problem, how to handle properly and all
related information regarding e-waste. Also, we will be seeking E-waste handlers and processors to reward them with our tokens if they produce a receipt showing that they have
recycled their E-waste. Another target for our tokens will be those that join the Recycling
Awareness Association. This is a nationwide network which seeks to increase awareness
regarding E-waste and metals recycling.

Token Details
Token: RCL
Token exchange rate: 1Eth=100RFL
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000(1 billion tokens)
Project protocol: ERC 20
Payment: Ethereum

Start Jun 22, 2020 (9:00AM GMT)
Number of tokens for sale 1,000,000,000 RFL (100%)
End Jul 31, 2020 (11:00AM GMT)
Tokens exchange rate 1 RFL = $0.20
Acceptable currencies ETH, BTC, LTC
Minimal transaction amount 0.001 ETH

Distribution of tokens

Use of proceeds

March 2019
Start of the Recycle for life Development.
April 2019
Development of ICO platform
June 2019
Launch of Social Network
August 2019
ICO preparation & Whitepaper
June 2020
Start limited token sale
July 2020
Complete token sale
August 2020
Begin token exchange program
September 2020
Recycling Awareness Association forms
October 2020
Token Exchange listings
November 2020
Create Awareness Rating (AR) make post able to SM
December 2020
Launched of mobile Apps

Keith Harris - CEO
Mel Gonzales - Marketing
Anastasia Reut - Developer
Bogdan Botov - Blockchain Developer

David Moon
Benjamin Föckersperger
Adrian Lam



Rabu, 24 Juni 2020


Tentang Crypcore
Crypcore adalah platform berkemampuan blockchain yang ingin memperkenalkan koin yang akan lebih stabil dan lebih tidak stabil, dengan lebih banyak manfaat daripada koin stabil. Teknologi ini memiliki tim ahli yang ingin membuat sejarah dengan produk unik yang belum pernah terlihat sebelumnya.

Meskipun koin stabil telah bekerja dengan baik sejak diperkenalkan ke pasar crypto, masih ada perbaikan yang harus dilakukan. Crypcore ingin mengembangkan aset crypto yang akan memperkenalkan protokol Crypcore dan sistem solvabilitas. Ia ingin memastikan stabilitas harga di ruang crypto dengan menggabungkan aset digital crypto. Aset crypto ini akan didukung oleh protokol solvabilitas untuk memastikan stabilitas harga.

Crypcore akan memiliki peran besar untuk dimainkan untuk mengelola harga Crypcore. Pertukaran akan menggunakan persamaan solvabilitas untuk menetapkan harga Crypcore. Ini akan menjadi metode yang tidak konvensional, tetapi akan sangat efektif karena harganya akan relatif stabil.

Crypcore juga akan dapat diakses oleh pengguna yang tidak memiliki pengalaman teknis. Perusahaan Crypcore akan menyediakan dompet untuk berbagai platform, termasuk dompet web, dompet perangkat keras, dompet baris perintah, serta dompet desktop. Perusahaan berencana untuk mengembangkan dompet iPhone dan android setelah menyelesaikan pengembangan dompet web. Saat ini, dompet web masih mengalami pengembangan.

Dan tidak seperti koin stabil, Crypcore tidak akan memiliki ayunan harga besar karena pasar akan tetap stabil. Akan ada lebih sedikit volatilitas di pasar Crypcore karena harga akan ditentukan pada kondisi pasar.

Prinsip proyek Crypcore
Tujuan akhir dari teknologi blockchain dan cryptocurrency adalah untuk mencapai adopsi massal dan mengalihkan dunia dari penggunaan mata uang fiat. Crypcore berkomitmen untuk memastikan bahwa ruang crypto mencapai kedua tujuan ini dengan menawarkan koin stabil yang tidak tergantung pada mata uang kertas untuk penilaian stabil tanpa volatilitas. Masalah volatilitas harga tidak akan ada di dunia kriptografi berkat Crypcore.

Crypcore Trading akan melakukan pekerjaan yang signifikan dalam memerangi biaya Crypcore. Untuk melakukan ini, semua yang ada di Crypcore Exchange harus dilakukan dengan mewah. Kondisi kelarutan yang sangat sederhana akan menentukan skor Cryps. Dalam koin stabil yang khas, token diberikan oleh asosiasi substansial, namun, perdagangan Crypcore tidak akan dapat membuat token, melainkan setiap koin ditambang.

Ini karena fakta bahwa perlindungan dan keselamatan pelanggan kami sangat penting. Dengan tujuan akhir bagi Cryps untuk mempertahankan nilainya, persediaan uang yang mendasarinya ditambang dan dipegang oleh perdagangan Crypcore. Crypts yang dipegang oleh perdagangan tidak akan dianggap tersedia untuk digunakan.

Bagaimana cara kerja Crypcore?
Crypcore diambil dari Monero yang dibangun di atas protokol Cryptonote yang aman secara kriptografis dan benar-benar anonim, ekosistem Crypcore menyatukan persamaan solvabilitas, pertukaran crypto murni dan protokol Cryptonote untuk membuat koin yang memiliki harga stabil dengan stabilitas harga yang dicapai dengan rata-rata peningkatan agunan dengan fluktuasi harga.

Untuk efek ini Crypcore adalah koin stabil yang beroperasi dengan cara yang berbeda secara fundamental dengan koin stabil tradisional, kami akan menyebutnya Koin Stabil Dinamis. Crypcore akan mendapatkan jaminan dari biaya yang dikenakan pada pertukaran Crypcore, biaya ini akan ditambahkan ke jaminan koin Crypcore sehingga selalu meningkatkan jaminan dan menjaga stabilitas Harga Crypcore.

Harga Stabil
Crypcore memanfaatkan pertukaran Crypcore untuk mempertahankan harga yang stabil, harga ini akan berubah sesekali berdasarkan mekanisme penentuan harga yang transparan seperti yang ditemukan dalam whitepaper Crypcore dan bagian di bawah ini.

Tukarkan dengan mata uang kripto lainnya
Anda dapat membeli mata uang apa pun yang stabil dan berperingkat teratas di pasar yang bernilai lebih dari 100 juta USD di Pasar

Transfer ke kartu Debit
Crypcore menerima kartu Hutang untuk membeli CryptoCurrency dari Exchange kami dengan verifikasi lengkap yang akan dirahasiakan.

Dapat diakses
Crypcore memiliki beragam dompet yang membuatnya mudah digunakan dan tersedia untuk banyak orang. Pengembang yang telah bekerja dengan Monero akan merasa mudah untuk mengintegrasikan Crypcore ke dalam proyek mereka.

Perlindungan terhadap penipuan
Crypcore menggunakan 3 lapisan untuk kebijakan keamanan dan pemeriksaan strick untuk setiap transaksi. Crypcore menyediakan perlindungan yang dijamin dari berbagai perusahaan top di seluruh dunia.

Crypcore diambil dari Monero yang dianggap sebagai aset terbaik di pasar mata uang kripto dalam hal privasi, Crypcore menggunakan tanda tangan cincin, transaksi rahasia dan alamat tersembunyi.

Pertukaran Crypcore
Pertukaran Crypcore akan memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam mengelola harga Crypcore. Untuk melakukan Crypcore Exchange ini harus melakukan hal-hal dengan cara yang tidak konvensional. Persamaan solvabilitas yang sangat sederhana akan menentukan harga Crypt. Dalam koin stabil normal token dikeluarkan oleh organisasi utama tetapi pertukaran Crypcore tidak akan dapat membuat token, melainkan setiap koin ditambang. Ini karena privasi dan keamanan pengguna kami sangat penting. Agar Cryps mempertahankan nilainya, jumlah uang beredar awal ditambang dan dipegang oleh pertukaran Crypcore. Crypt yang dipegang oleh pertukaran tidak akan dianggap sebagai yang beredar.
Token Detaiels
Nama: Crypcore (CRYP)
Metode pembelian yang diterima: BTC, ETH, LTC
Hard cap: 7 JUTA
Tutup lunak: 3 JUTA
Biaya 1 CRYP: 0,00001 ETH
Emisi Token Baru: Tidak tersedia
Sistem bonus: Ya
Presale of Private Sale: Tidak dipegang
Kenali Pelanggan Anda (KYC): Ya
Min / Max Personal Cap: 0,01 ETH / Tanpa batas
Daftar Putih: Tidak
Penjualan Pribadi: 15 Nov 2019 hingga 5 Des 2019
IEO: 20 Des hingga 20 Januari 2019

Distribusi Token
65% - Token untuk Dijual
10% - Pemasaran
15% - Tim & Penasihat
9% - Cadangan
1% - Hadiah

Michael Soeterbroek, Pendiri & CEO
Peter Akporume, Rekan Pendiri
Shehzad Khan, CTO & Pengembang
Kashif Khan, CMO

Roadmap Proyek
Q2 2019
Realisasi & Penelitian Ide
$ 50.000 dana pribadi
Q3 2019
Publikasi Desain Arsitektur & Whitepaper
Q4 2019
Luncurkan Crypcore Instant Exchange
Luncurkan blok Explorer
Mulai trading crypcore di bursa
Q1 2020
Luncurkan Dompet Web
Q2 2020
Luncurkan Dompet Seluler
Q3 2020
Luncurkan fitur Baru untuk Crypcore Exchange



Rabu, 17 Juni 2020


PayAccept - Home | Facebook
Насчет нас
Мы нацелены на то, чтобы изменить то, как граждане мира взаимодействуют с технологиями блокчейна и традиционными финансами, привнося управление цифровыми кошельками в массы. Мы находимся на пути к небанковским операциям с миллионами людей по всему миру, предоставляя им альтернативный, надежный и децентрализованный способ управления своими деньгами.

Мы считаем, что миру нужна альтернативная валютная система.
Мы считаем, что миру нужна действительно демократическая и децентрализованная финансовая система, которая не определяется решениями политических лидеров и центральных банков. Деньги должны быть доступны каждому безопасным способом, без обходных путей, масштабируемыми и безопасными. Вот чего мы хотим добиться такой системы с PayAccept.

PayAccept устраняет сложности покупки, продажи и использования активов, хранящихся на нескольких счетах. В первом в мире первичном предложении конвертируемых монет (ICCO) инвесторы будут принимать непосредственное участие в росте компании.
Часть целостной финансовой системы, обеспечивающей внутреннюю совместимость между фиатами и криптовалютой.

Наши пользователи будут торговать и взаимодействовать с регулируемыми крипто-обменами, такими как, - без скрытых комиссий.

Предоставляет пользователям единое место для управления, торговли и использования крипто и фиатных платежей для всех платежей и целей.

Регулируется проспектом европейской директивы в качестве обеспечения справедливости, предоставляя беспрецедентное спокойствие.

PayAccept будет децентрализованной валютой, которую люди по всему миру смогут использовать для оплаты.

Наша миссия
Мгновенный доступ к любому активу с системой безопасности на основе цепочки блоков
PayAccept предоставляет целостную платформу блокчейнов, предоставляющую пользователям простой, унифицированный крипто-и банковский опыт. Мы занимаемся техническими вопросами, чтобы вы могли сосредоточиться на своих активах.

Единая унифицированная блокчейн-платформа и интерфейс
Сегрегированные фиатные и крипто активы
Обмен активами в режиме реального времени и доступ
Комплексное предотвращение мошенничества на основе цепочки блоков

Обменять фиат и крипто с одним интерфейсом
Сеть PayAccept позволяет клиентам свободно обмениваться активами, не беспокоясь о деноминации. Плательщик и получатель любой транзакции могут выбрать актив по своему выбору, поэтому клиенты могут заплатить в биткойнах другу, запрашивающему евро.

Виртуальный указ перемещается из А в Б на бирже. Транзакция регистрируется в блокчейне, а затем автоматически отражается на банковских счетах ограниченного обмена соответствующих клиентов.
Транзакция регистрируется в блокчейне, а затем автоматически отражается на банковских счетах ограниченного обмена соответствующих клиентов.

Использование капитала
Приобретите контрольный пакет акций в банке ЕС и обновите его системы.
Разработать платформу клиринга и расчетов PayAccept Blockchain и наш криптообмен
Безопасные стратегические инвестиции в финансовые услуги, блокчейн-компании и наше сообщество.

Дорожная карта
20 апреля 2020 г. - жетон Launch PAY (ERC20)
14 апреля 2020 года - зарегистрированный офис в Нидерландах

Наша команда
Кристиан ван Стинберген - генеральный директор
Глеб Йоут - CMO
Джеймс Лорен - CSO
Присоединяйтесь к нам - Хотите новый вызов?



Senin, 08 Juni 2020


Crypto Reviews that are Democratic
Crypto Reviews that are Democratic
Crypto Reviews that are Democratic and Transparent.
Cryptocurrency exchange reviews actually do not exist. It is not known where Cryptocurrency exchanges are,
according to user experience, There are many popular platforms where people can see exchanges according to their volume and trust scores, but there is no experience where end users are registered.
Users have lost crypto on the popular exchange, if they can access the end user and reviewed this loss will be prevented.
But fake problems, volumes that create problems for users who are looking for trusted exchanges to trade.
There is also another problem that Crypto Exchange is relatively new and projects are difficult to stand out in Crowd.
To solve this problem, we have created ProExchangers Crypto Exchange platform, along with this platform we have Proexchangers Review Tokens, Tokens designed to reward users who promote transparency in the Crypto space.

Here Proexchangers proposes a website where people can review Crypto, Exchange it honestly and provide useful feedback for people looking for an Exchange to trade.
- ProExchangers review website, where people can write reviews about exchanges and find honest opinions from users.
- ProExchangers Review Token, to finance Crypto transparency reviews.

The nature of the Crypto currency industry means that retail investors must rely on exchanges, developers and coin ranking sites to make decisions.
This relationship looks like a relationship between retail investors and players in the Crypto industry.

From the diagram above we can see that retail investors do not have a central point where they can share opinions about exchanges and projects with other users. Retail investors do not have a primary way to get information from other users and convey information to other users.

- Fake Volume:
There is a problem of fake volume and how
creating trust issues, hopefully popular coin rating platforms try to solve them by creating metrics.

- Another problem is that the young crypto project does not have enough visibility and ProExchangers aims to resolve this problem by creating classes and pages dedicated only to projects that are less than 18 months old.

Detail Token.
Platform: token ERC20
Pasokan MAX: TBD
Alamat kontrak: TBD
Tanggal Peluncuran: TBD